Young Thug Denied Mistrial Despite Judge Scolding 'Haphazard' Prosecutors

Young Thug's request for a mistrial in his ongoing RICO trial has been denied by Judge Paige Reese Whitaker. This ruling is a setback for the YSL rapper, but Whitaker also criticized the prosecution for their handling of the case, in which they allege that Young Thug is the leader of a criminal street gang. During a moment of frustration captured on the court's livestream, Whitaker admonished the prosecutors, stating: “I don’t want to criticize the prosecutor here, but it's perplexing that someone with your level of experience continues to seem to intentionally obscure important details for as long as possible. “I really don't want to assume it's deliberate, but after numerous instances, it’s hard not to question whether that's the case. Unless it’s just that you’re so disorganized that you're piecing this case together on the fly.” She added, “This case is becoming much more challenging for everyone due to the chaotic way it's being presented.” Following this, she called for a brief recess to consider the mistrial motion but ultimately chose to deny it. Young Thug’s RICO trial is the longest in Georgia state history and has been marked by drama since it began in November 2023. Much of the trial's notable moments have centered around key witness Kenneth “Lil Woody” Copeland, who was granted immunity for his testimony. He previously admitted in court to having been a prolific liar, saying, “As I mentioned before I was called to trial, I have lied. I made things up. I told you this before you brought me into this courtroom, and I'm saying it now. “You asked me about 2015. I had my life together. You’re trying to put this on my conscience, trying to put people's lives in my hands.” He added, “I don’t want to be here. You’ve pressured me, I’m tired of this, because you know you’re wrong and you’re Black people doing this to us.”